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The Bumpy Road to Collaboration

By: Carole Levy

This book is the fruit of my transformation and the integration of two passions: creative expression and self-discovery.

This book doesn’t address all the complexities of working with others. I chose the angle of reflection that I knew best: how the ego’s hot buttons* get in the way of collaboration and how to break free.

I believe that since life is inevitably bumpy, learning to overcome our hot buttons is key in creating constructive relationships at work, at home and in our communities. As fallible as I am, I’m wholeheartedly committed to this process!

I hope this book will ignite self-reflections and authentic conversations, provide levity, and inspire rich emotional connections.

Finally, This book is especially for:

◆ People who, like myself, passionately love

collaboration, yet consistently botch it up.

◆ People who enthusiastically read self-help books,

yet have trouble finishing them.

◆ People who strongly believe in the power of self-awareness, yet forget to use it.

* As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. ALL earnings are used to offset the cost of upkeep and hosting The Coaching Library to make it free for all users and to continue to create/manage content.



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