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Synchronicity: The Inner Path of Leadership

By: Joseph Jaworski

Leadership is about creating new realities. In this new edition, leaders will learn how to use the power of synchronicity to manifest new realities into their organizations and unlock wisdom and creativity.

We’ve all had those perfect moments--when things come together in an almost unbelievable way, when events that could never be predicted, let alone controlled, remarkably seem to guide us along our path. Carl Jung called this phenomenon synchronicity: “a meaningful coincidence of two or more events, where something other than the probability of chance is involved.” In this book, Joseph Jaworski argues that understanding the interconnectedness of all things and pursuing a deep commitment within that understanding will enable you to consciously take advantage of synchronicity, creating the conditions for "predictable miracles."

Jaworski shares the story of his own escape from an inauthentic life and his journey to a deeper understanding of leadership. Leadership, he discovered, has more to do with our being—our total orientation of character and consciousness—than with what we do. He examines three fundamental shifts of mind that frees us to seek out the power of synchronicity.

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