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Leadership and the New Science: Discovering Order in a Chaotic World

By: Margaret J. Wheatley

We live in a time of chaos, rich in potential for new possibilities. A new world is being born. We need new ideas, new ways of seeing, and new relationships to help us now. New science—the new discoveries in biology, chaos theory, and quantum physics that are changing our understanding of how the world works—offers this guidance. It describes a world where chaos is natural, where order exists "for free." It displays the intricate webs of cooperation that connect us. It assures us that life seeks order, but uses messes to get there.

This book will teach you how to move with greater certainty and easier grace into the new forms of organizations and communities that are taking shape. You'll learn that:

• Relationships are what matters—even at the subatomic level

• Life is a vast web of interconnections where cooperation and participation are required

• Chaos and change are the only route to transformation

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