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Designing the Mind: The Principles of Psychitecture

By: Ryan A. Bush

Neuropsychology tells us that the human mind is infinitely malleable and adaptable. We know it is possible to rewire emotions and build deep tranquility into our minds. We know we can overcome the biased beliefs and self-limiting habits that hold us back from our potential. Yet when we actually seek to modify and master our minds, we are usually met with shallow life hacks and fleeting fixes.

Fortunately, many great ancient philosophers left behind the open-source cognitive code for altering your own mental patterns and becoming your ideal self. Legendary thinkers like the Buddha, Marcus Aurelius, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Abraham Maslow have revealed the insights for building a brilliant mind, and award-winning systems designer, Ryan A Bush, weaves them into a vital theory for helping individuals scale the heights of self-mastery and lead great lives.

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